Project Vehicle Sales: 1967 GMC Shortbox Stepside
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1967 GMC Shortbox Stepside Photo Gallery
1967 GMC Short Box Stepside two wheel drive truck.
This is a very rare truck!
This vehicle came from the Niagra Falls area in the United States and is a "numbers matching" truck.
This 1967 GMC was purchased new and was used as a gas station service truck.
It has the original straight 6 cylinder engine, mated to a "three on the tree" transmission.
The bed of the box has the original wood it came with in 1967!
This is a very restorable truck...Would you like to restore it to exact original factory specifications?
Perhaps you would like us to custom build this for you?
1967 was the first year for this body style (this style went from 1967 to 1972).
A very desirable year. The only production year where there were no front or rear marker lights (in the front fenders or box sides), and the ONLY model year that had the small rear window!
You can purchase this project truck and have Last Chance Auto custom build it for you.
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You are viewing the 1967 GMC SHORTBOX STEPSIDE in project sales.