Future Project: 1982 Honda Goldwing
- Current Projects
- 1975 Ford F350
- 1956 Chevy Bel
- 1968 VW Bug Co
- 1972 BMW 2002
- 1965 Cadillac
- 1972 Oldsmobil
- 1973 VW Beetle
- 1974 Chevy Cor
- 1987 Chevy Tru
- 1969 VW Transp
- 1970 GMC Short
- 1957 Porsche 3
- 1967 Ford Must
- 1973 Karmann C
- 1995 Ford F350
- 1949 Chevy Sho
- 1989 VW Jetta
- 1978 VW Conver
- 1967 VW Bus
- 1970 VW Single
- 1981 Toyota La
- 1972 Chevy Cor
- Projects on Hold
- 1970 Buick GS
- 1973 VW Bug Ro
- 1977 VW Westy
- 1958 Chevy Imp
- 1966 Karmann G
- 1961 MG Midget
- 1968 Ford Must
- Future Projects
- 1973 Monte Car
- 1963 VW Single
- 1977 Pontiac F
- 1972 Triumph T
- 1982 Honda Gol
- 1969 Pontiac F
- 1953 Ford F100
- 1972 Ford Bron
- 1938 Ford Coup
- 1967 Ford Must
- 1946 Plymouth
- 1985 Kubvan Gr
- 1967 Plymouth
- 1956 Ford Fair
- 1959 Cadillac
- 1970 GMC Jimmy
- 1978 VW Westfa
- Completed Projects
- Custom Car Tra
- 1962 Ford Falc
- 1989 Chev Z71
- 1991 GMC Plow
- 1956 MGA Roads
- 1994 Honda Civ
- 2002 Dodge Dak
- 1992 Ford Esco
- 1972 VW Bus
- 1990 Chevy 4x4
- 1986 Pontiac F
- 1999 VW NewBee
- 1985 Mercedes
- 1964 VW Beetle
- 1974 VW Beetle
- 1992 Ford F150
- 1936 Ford Hot
- 1958 Biscayne
- 2004 Jeep TJ
- 1955 GMC Steps
- 1976 Ford Must
- 1965 Ford Must
- 1990 Honda CRX
- 1991 Chevy 250
- 1985 Fiero GT
- 1949 Chevy Ste
- 1991 Honda Civ
- 1989 Chevy 150
- 1973 VW Super
- 1967 Dodge Mov
- 1977 VW Bug Co
- 1968 Mustang R
- 1971 VW SuperB
- 1949 Movie Sch
- 1974 VW Custom
- 1949 GMC Steps
- 1975 VW Westfa
- 1963 VW Bug
- 1967 Chevy C10
- 1959 Chevrolet
- 1991 Civic Si
- 1957 Buick Spe
- 1955 Ford F100
- 1971 VW Bug Co
- 1966 VW Beetle
- 1973 VW Engine
- 1963 Corvette
- 1973 Super Bug
- 1961 Jaguar Ma
- Project Sales
- 1941 Cadillac
- 1972 VW Conver
- 1956 Buick Riv
- 1950 Ford F1 S
- 1967 GMC Short
- 1954 Chevy Tru
- 1958 Buick Amb
- 1955 GMC 2nd S
- 1956 Continent
- Restored Sales
- 1986 Pontiac F
- 1992 Ford F150
- 1991 GMC 4x4
- 1992 Z24 Conve
- 1985 Fiero GT
- 1991 Honda Civ
- 1990 Chev 4x4
- 1991 Civic Si
- Current Projects
1982 Honda Goldwing Photo Gallery
This will be an interesting project for us!
This is a 1982 Honda Goldwing motorcycle. Our client has always wanted a fun touring bike.
He has a vision how he would like us to build his new "Custom Ride"
Stay tuned for this upcoming build.....
This is a 1982 Honda Goldwing motorcycle. Our client has always wanted a fun touring bike.
He has a vision how he would like us to build his new "Custom Ride"
Stay tuned for this upcoming build.....
You are viewing the 1982 HONDA GOLDWING in future projects.