Last Chance Auto Restore
- Current Projects
- 1975 Ford F350
- 1956 Chevy Bel
- 1968 VW Bug Co
- 1972 BMW 2002
- 1965 Cadillac
- 1972 Oldsmobil
- 1973 VW Beetle
- 1974 Chevy Cor
- 1987 Chevy Tru
- 1969 VW Transp
- 1970 GMC Short
- 1957 Porsche 3
- 1967 Ford Must
- 1973 Karmann C
- 1995 Ford F350
- 1949 Chevy Sho
- 1989 VW Jetta
- 1978 VW Conver
- 1967 VW Bus
- 1970 VW Single
- 1981 Toyota La
- 1972 Chevy Cor
- Projects on Hold
- 1970 Buick GS
- 1973 VW Bug Ro
- 1977 VW Westy
- 1958 Chevy Imp
- 1966 Karmann G
- 1961 MG Midget
- 1968 Ford Must
- Future Projects
- 1973 Monte Car
- 1963 VW Single
- 1977 Pontiac F
- 1972 Triumph T
- 1982 Honda Gol
- 1969 Pontiac F
- 1953 Ford F100
- 1972 Ford Bron
- 1938 Ford Coup
- 1967 Ford Must
- 1946 Plymouth
- 1985 Kubvan Gr
- 1967 Plymouth
- 1956 Ford Fair
- 1959 Cadillac
- 1970 GMC Jimmy
- 1978 VW Westfa
- Completed Projects
- Custom Car Tra
- 1962 Ford Falc
- 1989 Chev Z71
- 1991 GMC Plow
- 1956 MGA Roads
- 1994 Honda Civ
- 2002 Dodge Dak
- 1992 Ford Esco
- 1972 VW Bus
- 1990 Chevy 4x4
- 1986 Pontiac F
- 1999 VW NewBee
- 1985 Mercedes
- 1964 VW Beetle
- 1974 VW Beetle
- 1992 Ford F150
- 1936 Ford Hot
- 1958 Biscayne
- 2004 Jeep TJ
- 1955 GMC Steps
- 1976 Ford Must
- 1965 Ford Must
- 1990 Honda CRX
- 1991 Chevy 250
- 1985 Fiero GT
- 1949 Chevy Ste
- 1991 Honda Civ
- 1989 Chevy 150
- 1973 VW Super
- 1967 Dodge Mov
- 1977 VW Bug Co
- 1968 Mustang R
- 1971 VW SuperB
- 1949 Movie Sch
- 1974 VW Custom
- 1949 GMC Steps
- 1975 VW Westfa
- 1963 VW Bug
- 1967 Chevy C10
- 1959 Chevrolet
- 1991 Civic Si
- 1957 Buick Spe
- 1955 Ford F100
- 1971 VW Bug Co
- 1966 VW Beetle
- 1973 VW Engine
- 1963 Corvette
- 1973 Super Bug
- 1961 Jaguar Ma
- Project Sales
- 1941 Cadillac
- 1972 VW Conver
- 1956 Buick Riv
- 1950 Ford F1 S
- 1967 GMC Short
- 1954 Chevy Tru
- 1958 Buick Amb
- 1955 GMC 2nd S
- 1956 Continent
- Restored Sales
- 1986 Pontiac F
- 1992 Ford F150
- 1991 GMC 4x4
- 1992 Z24 Conve
- 1985 Fiero GT
- 1991 Honda Civ
- 1990 Chev 4x4
- 1991 Civic Si
- Current Projects
A custom built vehicle is taking something and reviving it on a limited budget.
It can be fun too. You can create something that looks completely unique.
Whether you have an idea or not, we can work together and create a theme that is right for you.
It can be fun too. You can create something that looks completely unique.
Whether you have an idea or not, we can work together and create a theme that is right for you.
Here is a truck that is mechanically sound but the body has worn out over time.
You can have a fresh looking daily driver with rims, grill and paint. The choices are yours.
You can have a fresh looking daily driver with rims, grill and paint. The choices are yours.
It doesn't cost a lot to turn the above into this truck.
Which truck would you rather be seen driving?
Which truck would you rather be seen driving?
If you would like a sporty little car with a fresh look, for you, your wife, or your son or daughter, then here is another money saving idea.
We can freshen up that second car in your driveway.
We can freshen up that second car in your driveway.
On a limited budget Last Chance Auto Restore performed a repaint, changed the factory hubcaps to after market refurbished rims, and detailed the complete car.
A nice gift for any occasion.
A nice gift for any occasion.
If you have a tired looking truck and have a limited budget then Last Chance Auto Restore has a creative idea for you.
It doesn't cost a lot to transform a vehicle from this...
It doesn't cost a lot to transform a vehicle from this...
to this...
On this truck we updated the grill, performed a body job and repainted the truck with a fun and sporty theme.
On this truck we updated the grill, performed a body job and repainted the truck with a fun and sporty theme.
This Chevy 4x4 was originally used as a commercial vehicle.
It was mechanically sound but once again, the body just tired with time.
It was mechanically sound but once again, the body just tired with time.
Here is the same company truck with a body job and paint scheme change to create a new look.
Anyone would be proud to once again display their company logo on this truck.
This is an intelligent way to keep your company overhead low during these economic times.
Anyone would be proud to once again display their company logo on this truck.
This is an intelligent way to keep your company overhead low during these economic times.